June 25, 2018



Take an educational backroads trip! We didn’t know when we drove southern Missouri backroads, we would find the birthplace of George Washington Carver.



I always root for underdogs. In my mind, they reinforce my own prospects in life. Those who leave the world a legacy are inspirational to me. The George Washington Carver birthplace is a place that traces the gifts, inspiration and obstacles faced by one of the most famous of America’s underdogs. The Ranger’s stories about Carver’s life left me in awe of the man.



Carver National Monument



The Park Service established the George Washington Carver National Monument in 1943. The monument is unique! You can see the foundation of the tiny cabin where Carver was born as well as the 1881 home of George’s slave owner, Moses Carver. The Carver cemetery is here too but George Washington Carver is buried at Tuskegee University in Alabama. The Park is open year-round from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. A 3/4 mile trail winds through the Missouri woods where Carver fell in love with nature, leading to his becoming an agricultural scientist.



The Man



George Washington Carver overcame great obstacles to become a world renowned scientist, educator and humanitarian. Carver’s research led to more than 300 products made from peanuts.  Just take a look at some of them!



  • flour
  • paste
  • insulation
  • paper
  • wall board
  • soap
  • shaving cream
  • skin lotion
  • axel grease
  • gasoline
  • diesel fuel
  • printers ink
  • cosmetics
  • wood stains
  • foods such as mayonnaise, pancake flour, evaporated milk, bar candy, and hundreds more
  • medicines such as laxatives, goiter treatment, quinine, and more



There are literally thousands of ways in which Carver still touches our lives daily,

” Most people search high and wide for the key to success. If they only knew, the key to their dreams lies within.”

-George Washington Carver



The Traveling Seniors were near Joplin, Missouri when we found the tiny town of Diamond, Missouri. There are 12.49 miles from Joplin, Missouri to Diamond in a southeast direction. The George Washington Carver National Monument is 2 miles west of Diamond, Mo. at 5646 Carver Road. P: 471-325-4151.


Question: What do you use daily that George Washington Carver invented?